Planetside 2 Team

Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:14 pm

Hummm - now the beta is released when you first start you need to make a character and pick a side. I guess we should all pick the same side to play as or we might not be able to play together.

Someone should decide which is best for us so we can all pick that.

I'll wait until I'm told what to do before I go any further. :)

This game looks like it will have massive fan based web and facebook pages dedicated to the team you pick. I guess there will be no love lost between the different factions :)

I've added info from each of the facebook faction pages I found to help you decide which we should sign up for.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:18 pm

Vanu Sovereignty

Vanu Sovereignty, one of the three factions from Planetside.

To command all of Auraxis and wipe out the oppressive Terran Republic and the rebellious New Conglomerate.

The Vanu Sovereignty uses energy and laser weapons, hovercrafts, and other advanced technologies to dominate the various planets and continents of Gemini. The "Vanu" were an ancient alien species that used this technology. The Vanu Sovereignty is an Empire referred to as the VS, and their color scheme is green and purple.

General information

The Vanu Sovereignty (VS), a loose transhumanist cult of academics, intellectuals, and technology worshippers who believe that human destiny lies in the further development and exploitation of the alien technology. Their leadership is the clandestine Sovereignty Council, the composition of which is unknown without itself and the existence of which is obscured to those outside the Sovereignty. The
y see the Republic as pedantic and outmoded, a used-up idea and restriction on the continuing ascendancy of the species through the synthesis of man and machine. They also see the New Conglomerate as a savage, ochlocratic band of thugs who have repackaged old mistakes in new dressings and are desperately afraid of new concepts which they cannot grasp, and the future these promise to the far-sighted. Their view of the future is one of scientific perfection and purity: they believe that the Vanu used the power of their advanced technologies to transcend their physical limitations and the mundane world, ascending to a superior state of being, and ultimately, a higher plane of existence. Scientists and intellectuals through-and-through, they see this path as an enlightened ascension and hold the Ancients up as a shining example for mankind to follow. Hopefully and eagerly they envision humanity imitating this metamorphosis, firstly through the enhancement of the human condition via "hypertech" (foreseeable technological breakthroughs which have not yet quite arrived), and eventually, by the replacement of human beings altogether; from there, not even they can imagine yet. They are most reliant on alien science and technology, and often more than compensate for their shortcomings through the superiority of their engineering, utilising mind-bending physics, high-energy arrays, and other exotic weaponry to defend themselves.

New Conglomerate

Big guns, hard hitting and accurate. All you ever need.

Who are the New Conglomerate Faction?

The best faction.

General Information
NC are a separatist faction determined to remain free of the controlling and domineering Republic, as well as to liberate the rest of humanity from the Republic, whether or not they share the Conglomerate's theories. Unlike the authoritarian and technocratic TR and VS governments, the NC are fighting for democracy, freedom, and human rights. As a rebel group, their leadership lies with the Revolutionary Command, a visible co-operative of military experts and leaders who direct the liberation efforts as a whole. They feel that any form of control is oppression and that a miserable free man is better off than a contented slave. Consequently, they view the Vanu technology as a potential tool of control, and the Vanu Sovereignty as technocratic tyrants, would-be dictators like the Republic, only under the banner of science and probably much worse. Their view of the future is one of freedom and self-government, where every man elects his own path and flourishes in what ways he sees fit. They rely on ponderous vehicles and slow-firing heavy weaponry, foregoing mobility and tactical flexibility for heavy armour and superior firepower. As their name suggests, the New Conglomerate is a diverse collection of forces that have banded-together (but have little trust of one another): ordinary citizens drawn into the conflict, various rebel groups that were previously autonomous, expatriate Terran and Vanu soldiers, and the Expeditionary Force (“XForce”) of the Royal House of Auraxis (the rightful heirs to the Vanu throne, forced into exile, the sole possessors of a working wormhole). The NC's democratic philosophy is often their achilles heel militarily, as they lack the iron-fisted leadership structure of the TR and VS. From the New Conglomerate's point of view, however, theirs is the only moral and just cause.

Terran Republic

Terran Republic, one of the three factions from Planetside.

To command all of Auraxis and wipe out the oppressive Terran Republic and the rebellious New Conglomerate.

The Terran Republic are a conservative, authoritarian, collectivist nation who strive to regain contact with the homeworld and reunite the warring factions.

General information
We are THE premier Player Community for all Terran Republic players from SOE's Planetside2. TR players from all servers are welcome!
If you want in on fighting the good fight for crushing the Vanu Sovereignty cultists and New Conglomerate corporate-rebels, settle on in. Check out our community forums and main page for events, tech-talk, strategies, and more!
New to Planetside? Join our Public Outfit on any server to gain immediate Outfit bonuses and learn the ropes from seasoned players!
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:20 pm

Paul we better make thi PS2 stuff only visible for JO members. You know NDA and stuff. We're not really allowed to share much details about it ;)

For the faction I would say
The Terran Republic or The New Conglomerate

They look the most normall. The Vanu look to alien for me (energy weapons and **** :p)
Annyway we can try them all out, see what is the best to roll for us ;)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:28 pm

Ah yes - Ill move the forum :D
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:35 pm

Black wrote:Annyway we can try them all out, see what is the best to roll for us ;)

We can try them all out? You sure? If we can thats fine. I just know some games when you pick a faction you are stuck with it... but I've not read much about this game.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Confusion » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:37 pm

without any thoughs i say The New Conglomerate were not going to play as a Starcraft copy cat are we ? :lool
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Confusion » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:38 pm

lol its a 4.3 gib installation :loop
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:55 pm

PaulyP wrote:
Black wrote:Annyway we can try them all out, see what is the best to roll for us ;)

We can try them all out? You sure? If we can thats fine. I just know some games when you pick a faction you are stuck with it... but I've not read much about this game.

Nah you can make chars on differend factions ;)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sat Aug 25, 2012 3:01 pm

btw they opening up server in 3 hours if i'm not mistaken.
Installed it on my laptop but don't know if its going to run fine :), also don't know if I'll be back in time tonight to try for a sec.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Aug 25, 2012 7:26 pm

I've registered 2 characters:

Pau1yP - New Conglomerate - Server EU Beta 01
PaulyP - Terran Republic - Server EU Beta 02
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Confusion » Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:14 pm

i will this game a try tomorrow as im working so i cant be on today
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:03 pm

You didnt miss anything. Cannection problems for everyone all day which they have been working on. I got on for a 10 minute blast but spent all that time configuring the game so I can't comment yet.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:48 am

Keep in mind this is a real beta test we got in. Not one like they did on BF3 where you get in 2 weeks before the game launches.
No this one will have bugs, they waiting for your feedback.
So they will try things. Add things, delete things. Some things will change for the better, some will change for the worse.

Its bassicly testing out there systems, find the bugs, and see what works and what doesn't.

Update on when servers will be open today
All servers will be available tomorrow Sunday, August 26th, beginning at 6:00 AM PT (3:00 PM CEST) and closing at 10:00 PM PT (7:00 AM CEST). Please be sure to continue to check the Announcements section for more information.

Allot of Europeans are nagging that they do these test in american times. To be honoust I don't mind to much, cause these times are I think pretty European friendly. If you go to work all day, these times still mean you can play in the evening.
We have to look at the CEST (its the timezone me and confu live in. So Pauly just -1 hour for you ;))

Also seems like they fixed the disconnect thing (was something wrong server side)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby d3an » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:34 am

Confusion wrote:lol its a 4.3 gib installation :loop

see you 3 weeks on tuesday then action_dancing :spoton
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:31 am

Yeah I'd looked at the timezone thing already and I agree that its no problem for me - I wouldn't be playing before 12pm anyway so I think its a good time too :nice

I wasn't complaining about the connection problems - just informing ;) I know what the process is like for real beta testing... infact I've gone one step further with a game called Project Cars which requires people to invest money in the development of the game (10 to 25,000Euros - think i'm between 50 to 100 euros at the moment - I wont be going up to 25,000 though :D). You get your money back from the sales of the game and if it makes a profit you get a slice of that too. This is pre alpha game where cars have bits missing and some tracks are just tracks floating in mid air. It's good to get involved with development of a game from the early stages though, even though it means waiting for 12 to 18 months to see the finish line :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:41 am

I've actually registered 3 accounts now as the 2 euro ones were quite full - I've done the spacey futuristic one on an east coast US server so now I have:

Pau1yP - New Conglomerate - Server EU Beta 01
PaulyP - Terran Republic - Server EU Beta 02
JOPaulP - Vanu Sovereignty - Server US East Beta 02

If we all regeister on the same servers so we can all play together. :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:47 pm

Just noticed that they have added a thirth EU server
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:56 pm

EU3 was on last night but full all night, that's why I put my Vanu character on the US server - could get on that at any time... I guess no one wants to play with the americans ;)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:08 pm

Ah oké, had a quick sneak peak yesterday, and didn't see the thirth one on.
Annyway added Plannetside 2 to TS3. Also I've created Bll4ck - New Conglomerate - EU Beta 1
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:12 pm

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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:34 am

Confu drew me in on EU Beta 2 :p.
We've been playing there for an hour or 2. (at this point in beta, I've got some preformances issues, seemed ok for foggy and confu tho).

Just been doing some reading, and it seems they are working on those issues.

Also confu, normally you should be able to join on squads ppl, but seems last patch bugged this out :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:14 am

Seems like they 'fixed' a big preformance problem for me. Still got some issues, but its playable now.

So managed to play an hour of do yesterday. Now didn't do so well cause I was tired, annoyed and had a headache.
But I managed to pull of a JO style move :).

2 factions where head on each other fighting for a base. So I went for a walk of a small km :), came out in the back of the enemy killed of a few from behind, and started taking one of there points where we couldn't get from a full frontal attack.
Sadly enough I got killed while I was capturing. I expected that to happen cause I had no backup at all with me.
All by all gave me a good feeling tho to be able to pull this of, been way to long ago I could sneak around to kind of surround them.
All I needed was a bid of a good squad with me, and we would have dealt some serious damage.

Thought I just shared this moment, cause for me this is what i've been missing for a long long time :p
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:18 am

I have performance issue with it... even with it on the Lowest GFX settings I still only get 7 or 8 FPS in some areas and in some battles making it unplayable. For a game with so little detail in it compared to many others it seems very poorly optimised at the moment. Hopefully the fix you mentioned has helped.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:58 am

Paul they still have indeed allot of preformance issues.
They've been testing it inhouse for a while, and now its wide open for a lot of differend systems,
and now they have to optimize there engine for it.
You running Ati or Nvidea?

I'm running a 260GTX (nvidea) and fps went higher when I downloaded the latest beta drivers :cool
I also still get 15fps from time to time. But the issue I had was that the game dropped to 0-1FPS allot.(this was a problem in latest build towards dual core processors, but they seemed to patched this now).
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:42 am

ATI - and once or twice I've also dropped down to 2 or 3 frames a second.

Will try updating driver and seeing what happens.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:32 pm

Sadly its unplayable for me right now. Averaging 5fps while looking at anything interesting and only 8fps while running up a hill looking at a single texture with nothing else in view. Hopefully in a few weeks things might be better. :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:24 pm

Welcome to the beta world :p
Funny thing is a lot of ppl raging on there forums about stuff thats broken and preformance issues.
Think ppl got used to those so called beta's of some games that are just used as a preview couple of weeks before launch :rofl
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby d3an » Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:05 pm

When's pucka game out?

No more slots for beta??
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Sep 01, 2012 10:25 am

If you sign up for the beta there's probably a decent chance of getting a key at a later date after this initial opening tests I would guess, unless Black can sell his body again to get some more.

Since the 1.2GB update yesterday, my FPS has improved a little. Was able to play with it between 25-45fps with it sometimes dropping down to 15. Only went down to 3fps once... so it is getting better.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:03 am

Sry don't have anny keys left.
Best thing you can do is sign up for beta at there website

Nice to hear that preformance got better for you m8.
Mine also has been moving to the right direction :p
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:44 pm

was getting 70fps compared to the previous 5fps while running up a hill... 25-45 for firefights now aswell... feeling more playable and had a few good fights... might be ok when i get used to it :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby d3an » Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:55 pm

to be honest i checked out some you tube action and it actually looks quite good didn't really know what to think but now it looks promising

whens the pukka release date?
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Mon Sep 03, 2012 7:49 pm

No release date yet m8 sry
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Lintta » Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:12 am

Got beta access, well i actually bought the Alpha Squad yesterday as was bored out of my mind. 35 € isn't that much and most likely ill spend alot of time with it(and get my pink tutu). Though also got Mechwarrior Online closedbeta invite today.
E: Mechwarrior was really not for me emote_loco1

Upon launch of the game, the following items will be automatically granted to your Station account:

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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:13 am

Good to know lintta. :nice
We'll need all the ppl in the game we can get :). Teamwork is needed...
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby d3an » Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:38 pm


Did you get any other beta keys?

Have you one for little old me to try?
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Lintta » Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:48 pm

d3an wrote:Mark

Did you get any other beta keys?

Have you one for little old me to try?

Nope, sorry mate

So far i've liked it. Though i'm lost most of the time action_whistle
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:14 pm

I got a bit bored last night on it actually. It really needs a spawn on squad members.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby MadScot » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:13 pm

Still waiting for them to grant me a key....all in good time i expect.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:45 am

release is at least end this year, but they are making good progress :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Lintta » Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:16 pm

d3an wrote:Mark

Did you get any other beta keys?

Have you one for little old me to try?

I got one for you now :)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Fri Sep 21, 2012 7:24 pm

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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Fist » Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:35 pm

I now have a beta key & will install the game very soon.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby d3an » Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:52 am

i have installed emote_evil

thanks again bro!

which faction are we going to be again?

n1 fist action_wave

we should have a few then when we gonna get a tour pauly?
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sat Sep 22, 2012 10:29 am

These are the three I set up.

Pau1yP - New Conglomerate - Server EU Beta 01
PaulyP - Terran Republic - Server EU Beta 02
JOPaulP - Vanu Sovereignty - Server US East Beta 02 (incase EU servers are down)

Terran Republic - Server EU Beta 02 is the one we've played together most i think so this would be a good one to start with.
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:16 pm

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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Confusion » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:15 am

another 3,8 gib update...... :o
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Confusion » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:29 am

Finished downloading 4,005,074,340 bytes in 481.884 seconds (8,311,283 bytes per second)
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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby Black » Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:43 am

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Re: Planetside 2 Team

Postby PaulyP » Sun Sep 23, 2012 10:27 am

Confusion wrote:Finished downloading 4,005,074,340 bytes in 481.884 seconds (8,311,283 bytes per second)

Finished downloading 4,005,074,340 bytes in 419.011 seconds (9,558,399 bytes per second)


Good job it wasn't an upload race ;)
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