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Premiumany1 getting it?
i personally feel like im riped off coz i already went pre-(something) to get 1st exp patch for free and now its still there included i think the price for premium should be less in that case!!! i hope some1 will mention this on their forums i will postpone my decision for now ![]()
Re: PremiumProbably not. If I loved bf3 and was going to buy all expansion packs then I probably would but I won't be. I will probably just get the close quarters. Besides, I'm not sure I want to support this direction that they are going in...it's only going to get worse in the end and games will become more and more expensive to play. Probably won't be long before all games cost 15 euro a month to play after you've bought them... like the mmos.
Re: PremiumI don't know, will see.
Depends how much it costs, and how much the expensions will be on there own. (V)_(°,,,°)_(V)
Re: Premiumits been quiet at work today, have read some stuff.
Lets say that an expension is 15€ a piece (karkland was set as that). And there is 4 more expensions to come. - Close quarters (Infantry setting) - Armored Kill (bigger maps, in first instance for vehicle play) - Aftermath (set in tehran after the quack, so probably city maps) - End Game (All that is know is fast play and motercycles) 3 of the 4 kind of get my interest. The only one I don't know about is armored Kill. Altho after looking at some pictures the maps seem to be big. So maybe could be interesting aswell. http://www.battlefieldo.com/attachments/battlefield_3_armored_kill_-_bandar_desert_map_-_e3_screen_8-jpg.1134/ So to come back at the price. Its 50€ for premium, what is 1 time pay. I'm probably buying 3 of the dlc's anyway, so 15*3 = 45 Thats a 5€ difference. With premium you get some other goodies aswell (not that you need them, but I'm a material girl ![]() And also have the 4th dlc, and who knows I like it. I'm still not 100% sertain what I'll will do. But I like the game, and I'm happy they bring out new content. Ofcours I would like it if they bring it out free aswell, but still development costs money. As long as they don't start to do what activision has done with his "Elite" thing I don't really have much problems with it. But I understand and have the same fear as Pauly. That they will after a while start asking monthly money to play like in a mmo. That would be painfull for the fps community. Annyway give me your thought, maybe you can talk me out of this ![]() (V)_(°,,,°)_(V)
Re: PremiumThe other problem for me is - I don't know if I will be still playing this game for long enough to make it worth while. Black Ops 2 in November, that alien marines game looks good... there could be others coming. I will also wait and see how much single expansions are. If everyone was still playing BF3 regularly, Bam, Foggy, Dal, Us Lot so we had a regular number on every night, then I'd probably get it. I'm not saying I definitely wont... it depends on what everyone else does... but I don't like the idea.
One thing that might interest me is what the new game modes are... I'm so bored of just conquest and rush.
Re: PremiumAlien colonial marines has been pushed back to 2013 but looks sweet indeed.
Oh and you forgot to mention Medal of honor. I'm not sure about black ops 2 tho, seems to be again annother COD in the line, like MW3 felt ![]() But indeed pauly also my biggest question is, will we still playing the game when the last expensions will come out. (V)_(°,,,°)_(V)
Re: PremiumIf you go for premium, do you get all 4 upcoming DLS´s or just the first 2 ??
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear.
Re: PremiumThings you get from Premium only.
1) Playing tips from DICE - ![]() 2) You can reset you stats - if you really want to go back to the beginning ![]() 3) 6 black dog tags and new camo - which virtually every premium player will use... how common ![]() 4) A Knife - that everyone who has premium is complaining about and wanting to go back to the original ![]() 5) Strategy Guides - incase you don't know what to do ![]() 6) 6 New assignments - ![]() 7) Carbon fiber design on your battlelog page 8) Queue priority - if you can find a server that doesn't ban premium players ![]() So that's it for the special Premium only features. The Expansion Packs Give you the new maps, new guns, new game modes, new vehicles. Here's how it works out in the UK - Will be pretty similar to all other currencies I would imagine. Costs: Date .............................. Premium Pack ........................ Expansion Cost Close Quarters June 2012 ................................ £40 ............................... £12 (on amazon) Armoured Kill Sept 2012 ................................ £ 0 ................................ £12 (£24 total) Aftermath Dec 2012 ................................ £ 0 ................................ £12 (£36 total) End Game Mar 2013 ................................ £ 0 ................................ £12 (£48 total) << Not until Mar 2013 does the premium become better value than buying the expansions separately... unless you think that the premium only features are worth while. Even then its only £8 more. Plus will you still be playing the game in 2013 and will you buy all 4 expansions? The only reason I can see to buy premium is if you find the premium only features worth while... the choice is yours ![]() Bear in mind though... if you buy Close Quarters Expansion Pack... the Premium will still cost £40. So if you commit to buy the first expansion pack you are discounting the Premium Option for ever and ever and ever... so make sure you are happy with your choice ![]() Hummm actually I've basically repeated everything Black said... I must have missed that post ![]()
Re: PremiumMy view is:
I'll buy the first pack, maybe the second (though I prefer the smaller maps now). I will then wait to see what Black Ops 2 and MOH Warfighter are like... If they are good I wont be buying the rest of the packs... If they aren't good I'll slit my wrists at the thought of having to play BF3 any longer ![]()
Re: Premium
But you made it easier to read, and easier to understand then my jibberish. But ya you just repeated me ![]() I'm still in a struggle with myself... (V)_(°,,,°)_(V)
Re: PremiumIf you dont buy Premium you will miss 6) 6 New assignments ( and guns )??
it seems like thats not included in the DLC ?? And i do think its funny that ppl get banned just for have a Premium account ![]() Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear.
Re: PremiumJust says 6 assignments... doesn't say anything about guns. Only the expansion packs mention guns... so I don't know for sure.
.. and yeah, I think it's funny that premium players can get banned... but on the other side, there are servers that are premium only.. so maybe it balances out ![]()
Re: PremiumLOL... that carbon fiber design is a tiny little band across the top of the battle log page - other than that it looks exactly the same.
And extra weapons confusion for doing the assignments? Nope... you just get to unlock each of the black dog tags ![]() These are the weapons you get to unlock with new assignments in the Close Quarters Expansion pack. • AUG Assault Rifle • SCAR Assault Rifle • ACW-R Carbine • MTAR-21 Carbine • M417 Sniper Rifle • JNG-90 Sniper Rifle • L86LSW Machine Gun • LSAT Machine Gun • M5K Tactical Machine Pistol • SPAS-12 Shotgun
Re: Premiumyou just get to unlock each of the black dog tags ??
lol i rather take them from there neck ![]() Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear.
Re: PremiumFirst "premium" movie is released. And ofcours already on youtube
![]() Take a look yourself, gives you a better idea about the dlc comming. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09UtKC6I7uA[/youtube] (V)_(°,,,°)_(V)
Re: PremiumOk Fly, as i got a spy watching over you i notice that you have Premium now. Give us some reviews please, hows the maps and guns? And one more important thing, have you got kicked/banned yet for having that account? Hihi
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear.
Re: Premiumnew maps wtf?
cant play new maps untill tomorrow havent got kicked from anywhere yet sound bug is same as it was in "not premium" joining as premium in queue works just fine ![]() dont have any problems with knife either aint complaining at all these new weapons aint gonna be my fav.1s ![]()
Re: PremiumI think the kicking for premium will be very short lived and only on a few servers as so many people have it now. Can you queue jump on any server fly or is it just the servers that have the little "p" for premium in the server list?
Re: PremiumThe queue feature doesn't kick people who are already playing on the server, it will only bring you ahead of people in the que. So basically when everyone goes premium you will not see any difference and still have to wait in line, as without premium
![]() I won't buy this premium. Cuz I'm bored with the game, and you will most likely be able to buy anything you want in a few months, and not having to buy these packs. Or you can make your own combinations of it. Somewhat like they did with the vehicles aso not long ago. It will be less than half price too, if you just wait a little, which you can do if you know you will play this game in the future. I think EA is taking a big risk here, but it will be interesting to see the numbers after the premium release, how much it gave them. Instead of fixing bugs they add more stuff, I don't see much difference from playing a game like combat arms and bf3 now ![]()
Re: Premiumhave been looking to some footage on youtube. seems to be some decent maps
Re: PremiumThe sales numbers for premium will look good because I think most console users will buy it. I think it will be much less good looking at just PC users.
Battlelog vote shows 66% will buy it (all platforms). Only about 15-20% of my friends list (PC users) has bought it so far. I suspect the console crowd will drive this sort of thing in future and so will just be forced on PC users. There will be a lot of users who never get premium though - does that mean they never get on a busy server because they always get pushed down the queue? I think the system sucks but how can they remove it now... legally they sold Premium with that feature.
Re: PremiumYes but if everyone has premium, as they of course would want to, then what will that feature really do? You have bought nothing.
Re: PremiumAh yes, for premium users they will still be queueing behind all other premium users and so wont notice much... the few people who will notice it will be the few of us who dont buy premium... I'm not getting it.... was a stupid idea... I just hope MOH Warfighter is a better game tham BF3
Re: Premiumgood for tdm yes but not hc(too many sissys camping)
conq is also nice when ur tm´s know what to do - after loosing so many in a row i started yelling at them and we started to win ![]() gunmaster is boring wont last long imo(not easy tho, either no luck or i just suck - couldnt manage to end up 1st) also u need more tickets cos there were games less than 3 min. ![]() i actually liked tdm in there just 64slots and 300 tickets is way too short 1more thing i noticed its best for medics teaming up plus u need good rate of fire weapon aka p90/m5k/mp7 coz maps are really small and u dont need to shoot at distance. ![]()
Re: Premium
+shotguns specially in conq domination ![]()
Re: Premiumi dont think bf4 beta will come out untill the dlc ends for bf3. so not before spring 2013
Re: PremiumI've read somewhere yesterday that beta for bf4 would be somthing like Fall 2013
![]() Can't find it back tho, so possibly I'm just hallucinating. (V)_(°,,,°)_(V)
Re: PremiumI wont be suckered in to another Battlefield game... unless they give up client detection, laying in walls, only 2 game types and stupid premium service and... ermmm I'm sure I could think about lots of others
Re: Premiumi quote u paul
hail to the chief 19:08 isnt just a time! ![]() ![]()
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